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Veneers Specialist

Richard J. Stuart, DDS

Prosthetic and Implant Dentistry located in Indianapolis, IN

Do you shy away from cameras and try not to smile too much so as not to show the world your dental imperfections? At the practice of Richard J. Stuart, DDS, in Indianapolis, Dr. Stuart specializes in prosthetic and cosmetic dentistry and often recommends porcelain veneers to men and women who want a more beautiful smile, without invasive dental work. Veneers are durable restorations that can correct a variety of cosmetic dental problems so you can feel confident about your smile. Call the office to learn more about veneers, or schedule a consultation online.


What are veneers?

Veneers are a custom-made, thin, tooth-shaped layer of porcelain that Dr. Stuart fits onto your teeth. Every single veneer adheres to the outside of each tooth so the overall result is a more perfect, uniform, brighter smile. Dr. Stuart helps you decide which shade of white is best for your veneers, so your teeth look natural, yet aesthetically enhanced.

Since porcelain veneers require minimal preparation and alteration to your teeth, veneers help maintain the integrity of your natural teeth. They can actually help strengthen your teeth, and they’re resistant to stains. Veneers are a great way to permanently improve your smile and work for a variety of cosmetic dental issues.

Am I a good candidate for veneers?

Since veneers correct many different cosmetic dental concerns, you may be an ideal candidate for veneers if you have:

  • Unevenly spaced teeth, or gaps
  • Stained teeth that won’t respond to professional teeth whitening
  • Chipped teeth, cracked, or broken teeth
  • Smaller than average teeth
  • Unevenly shaped teeth
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Irregularly shaped teeth
  • Some types of tooth decay

Dr. Stuart examines your teeth and discusses your options for creating a more uniform, evenly spaced, brighter smile. If you have good oral hygiene habits and a few cosmetic concerns, and you need to undergo major dental restorations, you may be a good candidate for porcelain veneers.

What can I expect during the application of dental veneers?

The process of getting custom veneers is uncomplicated and helps preserve the health of your teeth. To accommodate your new veneers, Dr. Stuart removes a very thin layer of enamel from your teeth. Next, he takes impressions, so your custom veneers can be precisely created for your teeth.

When you come in to have your veneers placed, a member of Dr. Stuart’s team first cleans your teeth with a professional solution. This removes any debris and bacteria and ensures that the veneers will bond optimally to your teeth. After the cleaning, Dr. Stuart applies each veneer one at a time, using a special dental bonding cement.

A light source helps bond the cement to your tooth, so the veneer permanently adheres. Once all the veneers are in position, you walk out of the office with a more dazzling smile. It’s that simple!

If you’d like to improve your teeth so you feel more confident when you smile, call the office to schedule a consultation, or book an appointment online.